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  • Securing an Internship Unrelated to Your Degree

    Securing an Internship Unrelated to Your Degree

    Are you trying to pivot into a career area that’s different from what you studied in school? My name is Jessica and today I’ll be sharing what I’ve learned over the past few years as I transitioned from a Kinesiology degree to securing a digital marketing internship at Envol Strategies! 

  • Managing Business Growth: Tips to Scaling Your Team for Small Businesses

    Managing Business Growth: Tips to Scaling Your Team for Small Businesses

    Business growth is one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences for business owners and their teams – even more so when your business is growing rapidly!   However, rapid growth can also bring sudden changes like taking on more clients or having to increase production to meet demands. If business growth isn’t managed efficiently, it can have negative consequences on…

  • Facilitating Workplace Boundaries

    Facilitating Workplace Boundaries

    With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s become more difficult to set boundaries at work. What used to be a clear line between work and personal life has now been blurred by the work-from-home environment that many people find themselves in. Now, as remote workers, the morning commute to the office becomes a shuffle…

  • Active Listening in the Workplace

    Active Listening in the Workplace

    We’re sure you’ve heard of the term “active listening”, but do you know how to effectively use it in conversations? It’s actually really easy! Today, we’re here to share some helpful tips for active listening as well as how active listening is beneficial in the workplace.

  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

    Why does the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation exist? From 1831 to 1996, the government forcibly removed more than 150,000 Indigenous children from their homes. These children were deceptively placed into church-and government-run schools where they were assimilated and robbed of their language and traditions. After the closure of the last school in 1997, there were over 25,000 children that did…

  • Employers’ Obligations for Federal General Elections

    Employers’ Obligations for Federal General Elections

    A 2021 Federal General Election has been called and election day will take place on Monday, September 20, 2021. As residents of BC and citizens of Canada, we have both the privilege and responsibility to vote. Employers have an obligation to provide eligible employees time to head to the ballots and get their votes in.   In this blog, we’ll be going into…