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Mitigating Bias in Performance Reviews: 10 Strategies for Fair and Accurate Employee Feedback

Performance reviews are an essential component of many organizations’ human resource management processes. They provide employees with feedback on their performance, help identify opportunities for improvement, and inform decision-making around promotions, bonuses, and, in some cases, terminations.  

But performance reviews are not immune to bias; when left unchecked, bias can lead to unfair and inaccurate evaluations that can negatively impact both employee and employer.  

In this blog post, we will share how to identify different types of bias that might be present and explore some strategies for mitigating bias in performance reviews. 

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Candidates Want More Than Just a Job: How to Stand Out as an Employer

If you’re an employer, you know that attracting top talent is key to helping your organization thrive and flourish! But what you may not know is that the job market has changed; today’s candidates are looking for more than just a paycheque.

Gone are the days when candidates would accept just any job with a decent salary and benefits! Today’s job seekers are looking for a workplace that aligns with their values, provides a supportive and inclusive environment, and offers opportunities for growth and development. In other words, they want a career, not a job.

So, what can you do to attract top talent and make your organization stand out?

Read More »Candidates Want More Than Just a Job: How to Stand Out as an Employer

5 Steps for Implementing Employee Wellness Programs

In today’s fast-paced (and sometimes high-stress) work environment, it’s more important than ever to prioritize the wellbeing of your employees!

In fact, it’s top-of-mind for several of our clients right now. So, if you’re wondering how you can look out for your team, you’re not alone!

One way to keep your team happy, healthy, and thriving? Implementing employee wellness programs!

Not only do these programs benefit your employees themselves, but they also help foster a more positive, dynamic work environment for everyone. Win-win!

Read More »5 Steps for Implementing Employee Wellness Programs

DEI Blog Series: Encouraging Inclusivity in the Workplace with Wellness Days

This is the final installation of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series!

Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.

We’re finishing off this series with a note on wellness days and their benefits to employees when implemented in the workplace.

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DEI Blog Series: How Flexible Working Hours Promotes DEI in the Workplace


This is the ninth of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series!   

Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.  

Today, let’s dive into the importance of offering flexible work hours, what this can look like in practice, and how it benefits your entire team. Read More »DEI Blog Series: How Flexible Working Hours Promotes DEI in the Workplace

4 Tips to Elevate Your Recruitment Strategy in 2023

As another year full of exciting opportunities, fresh beginnings, and endless growth is upon us, it’s as good a time as ever to elevate your recruitment strategy! 

Leave mediocre candidate experiences, hiring just to fill roles, long interview processes, and ghosting behind in 2022. 

Kick off 2023 with these 4 tips to take your recruitment game to the next level! 

Read More »4 Tips to Elevate Your Recruitment Strategy in 2023

DEI Blog Series: Celebrating Holidays Inclusively in the Workplace

This is the seventh of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series!

Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.

Today, let’s dive into the importance of promoting inclusivity during the holiday season and 3 tips to help you celebrate holidays inclusively in the workplace.

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DEI Blog Series: 5 Organizational Policies to Advance DEI


This is the sixth of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series!  

Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.  

Today, we’re talking about how organizational policies advance DEI in the workplace and 5 examples of policies that you can create or review with a DEI lens to get you started. 

Read More »DEI Blog Series: 5 Organizational Policies to Advance DEI

DEI Blog Series: How Bias Impacts Recruitment and What You Can Do About It

This is the fifth of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series! 

Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.  

Today, we’re talking about unconscious bias, why it’s important, how unconscious bias impacts recruitment practices, and 3 tips to help mitigate unconscious bias within your organization’s recruitment process. 

Read More »DEI Blog Series: How Bias Impacts Recruitment and What You Can Do About It