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  • COVID-19: How can we help?

    COVID-19: How can we help?

    How can we help? This simple question has more meaning than ever for our team at Envol. The COVID-19 crisis continues to escalate and evolve rapidly. Employers are left with questions, trying to determine how best to move forward. Our team of HR Specialists is here for you.

  • Coronavirus: What Employers Need To Know

    Coronavirus: What Employers Need To Know

    You’ve undoubtedly seen the headlines about the coronavirus (COVID-2019). People are scared. This epidemic started China at the end of 2019, and in a matter of months has spread globally. It continues to spread. The World Health Organization has confirmed that there are now more coronavirus cases outside of China than in it, with 80,000… Read…

  • Letter from Brianna Blaney: Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!

    Excerpts from a holiday letter to our team, from our Founder & Managing Partner Brianna Blaney:

  • What Not to Say: 5 Common Onboarding Pitfalls

    What Not to Say: 5 Common Onboarding Pitfalls

    Attracting and hiring the right people to join your team is challenging, but finding that star candidate is such a relief! The hard work is over now, right? Unfortunately not. Proper training and support during a new employee’s transition into your organization is critical to their success – and it takes work. Despite our best… Read…

  • Recruitment Challenges Facing Professional Service Firms

    Recruitment Challenges Facing Professional Service Firms

    Last year, the need for new business was top priority for professional service firms. This year, a shortage of top talent to service that business is the main concern. From small businesses to global companies, leaders at professional services firms are facing real challenges when it comes to recruiting and retaining the best the market… Read…

  • Social Media Checks & Privacy Law: What You Need to Know

    Social Media Checks & Privacy Law: What You Need to Know

    Have you ever typed a candidate’s name into Facebook, LinkedIn or another social media platform to learn who they are behind the resume? We’ve all been there. While our intention is innocent enough, there are risks associated with using information from social media in your hiring decision making process. As an employer, it is important… Read…