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- Creating Equal Opportunities for Women in the WorkplaceListen to this Blog Duration: 0:00 As we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we reflect on how far we’ve collectively come in empowering women, and how much further we still need to go. While women have broken barriers, shaped industries, and made significant strides, recent global challenges have highlighted that progress can… Read More »Creating Equal Opportunities for Women in the Workplace
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- Creating Equal Opportunities for Women in the WorkplaceListen to this Blog Duration: 0:00 As we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, we reflect on how far we’ve collectively come in empowering women, and how much further we still need to go. While women have broken barriers, shaped industries, and made significant strides, recent global challenges have highlighted that progress can… Read More »Creating Equal Opportunities for Women in the Workplace
- How to Address Types of Bias in the WorkplaceBias in the workplace isn’t always obvious, but it’s always impactful. Bias often influences key decisions without us realizing it. Here’s how to tackle it!
- How Intersectionality Works and Why it’s so ImportantListen to this Blog Duration: 0:00 When we talk about workplace inclusion, we often focus on single identities – gender, race, disability. But in reality, people don’t experience the world through just one lens. That’s where intersectionality comes in. What is Intersectionality? The term intersectionality was coined by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989 to highlight how Black women… Read More »How Intersectionality Works and Why it’s so Important
- How to Navigate the Love/Hate Dynamics of the WorkplaceWorkplaces are full of those “love/hate” moments – things you appreciate one minute, and the next, you’re wishing you could avoid altogether!
- How to Identify & Address Microaggressions in the WorkplaceCreating a Culture of Respect Microaggressions in the workplace can fly under the radar, but their impact can be profound and lasting. These subtle insensitive statements, questions, or assumptions can create a hostile and isolating environment. They can instill a sense of discomfort or exclusion, even when they’re not meant to hurt. We all have a role… Read More »How to Identify & Address Microaggressions in the Workplace
- “You Need to Calm Down”: How to Navigate Workplace EmotionsWorkplaces can be emotionally charged environments. It’s only natural for emotions to surface at work! Whether it’s a tight deadline, a miscommunication, or just a stressful day – it happens. These can all contribute to heightened emotions at work. But it’s how you handle those moments that make all the difference. Spoiler: Telling someone “You need… Read More »“You Need to Calm Down”: How to Navigate Workplace Emotions
Evolving From Company Values to Company Experience: Q&A with Eric Termuende of NoW Innovations
It seems these days that everyone is talking about employee engagement’s red-hot cousin – the company experience. Creating a compelling employee experience is quickly becoming one of the most vital aspects of a business. But what exactly is it? We recently spoke with Eric Termuende about the need for effective interactions and touch points, and…
Extreme Makeover: Offer Letter Edition
We are always looking for ways to improve the employee journey. Lucky for us, we get to guinea pig lots of our ideas on ourselves. We recently noticed a small breakdown in the branding experience for candidates at the offer letter stage. What a missed opportunity! The offer letter represents a key milestone in the…
Impress Your Interviewer: Top 5 Questions to Ask in an Interview
In an interview, there are a few red flags that most employers look for. What most candidates don’t realize is that there is another small, but significant pivot point in an interview. When given the golden opportunity to flip the script and ask interviewers questions, many applicants politely decline. Why can such an innocent interaction…
Interview Best Practices: How to Improve the Candidate Experience
Though it may seem like a straightforward process, navigating an interview (whether it’s by phone or in-person) can be daunting for someone who has never done it before. Even for a seasoned interviewer, there are subtleties that can elevate your interview from ‘meh’ to ‘marvellous’! Let us show you some of tricks and tips to implementing…
Musings: Culture Is Manifested, Not Created
Conversations about creating culture have always intrigued me. Our collective obsession with copying the cultures of massive companies like Google and Facebook fascinates me even more.
The Importance of Wellness in the Workplace: Q&A with Mais Oweis of Heritage Office Furnishings
Wellness in the workplace. This topic is continuously evolving. Health and wellness means different things to different people – so how does a company develop a wellness program that supports all employees? What kind of tools support ongoing wellness, versus a one-time ‘quick-fix’ initiative?