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  • 2017 Reflections & Looking Ahead to 2018

    2017 Reflections & Looking Ahead to 2018

    Year end is often a time to reflect on what has been accomplished, and what is still left to be done upon entering the New Year. As we close out 2017, our team looks back with pride and excitement! Our Future Perfect events brought together over 200 People and Culture Leaders to discuss people challenges and…

  • 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Candidate Experience

    5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Candidate Experience

    On November 22, 2017, we hosted our second Future Perfect event, Humanizing the Candidate Experience. We created the Future Perfect event series with the goal of gathering People and Culture Leaders from a cross-section of industries to collaborate and share insight on issues that impact organizations. 

  • Golden Unicorn: 6 Steps to Building an Effective Employee Recognition Program

    Golden Unicorn: 6 Steps to Building an Effective Employee Recognition Program

    Catch people doing things right more often than you catch people doing things wrong. – Elena Romero Early in my career I had the pleasure of working closely with Elena Romero, a fantastic people leader who is one of my key mentors. Elena’s advice has stuck with me, and is the foundation of my philosophy around employee recognition:…

  • Meet the Envol Team: Rikka Bouseh

    Meet the Envol Team: Rikka Bouseh

    Envol is all about its people. Obviously. So naturally we love sharing our incredible team with you – they’re just too great to keep to ourselves! Read on to meet Rikka, our Senior People Strategist. She’s an HR queen and quality human being.

  • Happy Birthday Envol! Reflections from our First Year

    Happy Birthday Envol! Reflections from our First Year

    Envol Strategies was launched on September 12, 2016. I started Envol because I believe that businesses can be more human, better places to work. After years working in the recruiting agency world, I knew that companies deserved more than expensive bandaid solutions to their people challenges. I saw first-hand the profound disconnect between great employers…

  • Eye of the Intern: Sam’s Ultimate Top 3

    Eye of the Intern: Sam’s Ultimate Top 3

    Oh, hey there. It’s me again. You remember, right? It’s Sam tuning in from your dynamic intern duo, here to share my final thoughts before I head out the door! I’ve had the pleasure of spending Summer 2017 with a small but talented team. I found a home at Hot Soup and Envol – although I’m still…