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  • DEI Blog Series: Removing Gender Bias From Job Ads

    DEI Blog Series: Removing Gender Bias From Job Ads

    This is the third of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series!  Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.  Today, let’s talk about what gender-neutral language is, why it’s important, and how you can use…

  • DEI Blog Series: Creating an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) Statement

    DEI Blog Series: Creating an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) Statement

    This is the second of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series! Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities. Let’s talk about why Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO) statements matter, how to create one, and where…

  • DEI Blog Series: 10 Ways to Use Pronouns in your Business to Promote Inclusion

    DEI Blog Series: 10 Ways to Use Pronouns in your Business to Promote Inclusion

    This is the first of 10 installations of Envol’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Series!  Our goal is to support organization leaders in taking real action to advance DEI within their teams, throughout their business, and in their communities.  Let’s jump right into 10 ways that you can integrate the use of pronouns into your…

  • NDTR: Our Responsibilities as Canadian Employers

    NDTR: Our Responsibilities as Canadian Employers

    September 30th marks Canada’s annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and its first anniversary. This day is dedicated to acknowledging and commemorating the lasting and harmful impacts of church- and government-run schools on the wellbeing and livelihood of Indigenous peoples. The ongoing impacts of these schools are still heavily felt by Indigenous peoples and their communities today.

  • 3 Employee Onboarding Mistakes to Avoid

    3 Employee Onboarding Mistakes to Avoid

    We’ll let you in on a secret: the key to retaining talent and reducing turnover is developing a kick-a$$ employee onboarding program that knocks your new hires’ socks off!  But mastering the art of onboarding is no easy feat. It requires strategic planning, preparation, time, and energy to develop an effective and engaging onboarding program! …

  • 3 Tips to Prevent Quiet Quitting

    3 Tips to Prevent Quiet Quitting

    Have you heard of the term “quiet quitting”? It’s one that’s been popping up around the Internet recently, specifically on LinkedIn.  If you aren’t familiar with this term, don’t worry – we’ll catch you up to speed and explain how to mitigate this phenomenon at your workplace.