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Post-Vacation Productivity: How Leaders Can Help Prevent Team Burnout

Time off is essential for employees to relax and recharge. We all need a break from the hustle and bustle of work to prevent burnout!

But let’s be honest, when employees return from time off, the transition can feel disjointed and stressful. Employees often come back overwhelmed with hundreds of unread emails, a disrupted workflow, and the looming threat of missed deadlines and project delays.

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Your 2024 Compliance Deadlines as a Canadian Employer

Canadian employers have been busy with compliance requirements these past few years. There have been a ton of compliance deadlines to stay on top of. It’s challenging and overwhelming and, let’s face it, we know compliance can be a little *ugh*.

That’s where we come in!

This blog is a resource to help Canadian employers meet their federal and provincial obligations in 2024. It provides an overview of the compliance requirements that should be kept top of mind this year.

So, let’s jump into what you need to know about your 2024 compliance deadlines as a Canadian employer!

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Accessible BC Act: Purpose, Key Information, and Compliance

Accessible BC Act: Purpose, Key Information, & Compliance

The past few years have brought some major developments on the accessibility front impacting employers across Canada. One advancement being the Accessible BC Act (ABCA), which received royal assent in 2021 and requires impacted employers to comply with new accessibility requirements.

This blog post provides some additional clarity around the Act and upcoming compliance requirements for BC employers impacted by this new regulation.

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Exploring Pay Transparency and Organizational Values

Exploring Pay Transparency and Organizational Values

Trust. Personal Responsibility. Connection. Integrity. Teamwork. Excellence.

What do all of these have in common?

Well, these are all common organizational values that I have seen and experienced over the years. I bet they are familiar to you as well when reading them in that context.

Organizational values are the guiding principles that define the culture and behaviour of an organization. These values are often displayed on company websites and walls and are usually communicated to new employees during onboarding.

However, for these values to be truly effective and serve their purpose, they must be reflected in the behaviours and decisions of the organization and its team members.

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Tips for Having Productive Tough Conversations

It’s easy to think that some people are naturally better at handling conflict than others, but the truth is that anyone can have tough conversations with their team that are productive and healthy. You just need to build that skill!

Like any other skill, handling tough conversations is a muscle you need to build. We’ve coached people leaders and business owners on how to have tough conversations and provide feedback to their team. Not only that, but our culture at Envol is BIG on feedback. We’re basically experts at making difficult conversations suck less.

In this article, we’ll break down everything we’ve learned to help you develop these skills. You’ll be able to create a process for yourself that removes the stress and enhances the value of difficult conversations. Let’s do this!

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