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Managing Business Growth: Tips to Scaling Your Team for Small Businesses

Business growth is one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences for business owners and their teams – even more so when your business is growing rapidly!  

However, rapid growth can also bring sudden changes like taking on more clients or having to increase production to meet demands. If business growth isn’t managed efficiently, it can have negative consequences on an organization. A booming business might also mean it’s time to scale up your team so that you have the capacity to continue providing your best service. In this article, we will share some key tips on how to efficiently scale your team to ensure MAXIMUM potential for your business. 

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What Not to Say: 5 Common Onboarding Pitfalls

Attracting and hiring the right people to join your team is challenging, but finding that star candidate is such a relief! The hard work is over now, right?

Unfortunately not. Proper training and support during a new employee’s transition into your organization is critical to their success – and it takes work. Despite our best efforts, if an onboarding program lacks structure and consistency the ball can be dropped without us even knowing it. Read More »What Not to Say: 5 Common Onboarding Pitfalls

Recruitment Challenges Facing Professional Service Firms

Last year, the need for new business was top priority for professional service firms. This year, a shortage of top talent to service that business is the main concern. From small businesses to global companies, leaders at professional services firms are facing real challenges when it comes to recruiting and retaining the best the market has to offer. Read More »Recruitment Challenges Facing Professional Service Firms

Social Media Checks & Privacy Law: What You Need to Know

Have you ever typed a candidate’s name into Facebook, LinkedIn or another social media platform to learn who they are behind the resume?

We’ve all been there. While our intention is innocent enough, there are risks associated with using information from social media in your hiring decision making process. As an employer, it is important to be aware of them.Read More »Social Media Checks & Privacy Law: What You Need to Know

8 Ways Your Employer Brand Impacts Your Growth

Businesses previously measured success through production or output. Deliverables, impact, and clients used to attract the best talent. The days of recruiting candidates by offering one definition of success – climbing the corporate ladder with a singular focus – are gone. Today, your employer brand is your most effective recruitment and growth strategy yet.

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5 Ways to Make Your Hiring Process More Inclusive Now

Inclusion and diversity are highly systemic problems that plague organizations. These problems marginalize authentic talent, contribute to group think, and encourage hiring decisions that prefer a homogenous applicant pool.

Creating a diverse and unstoppable team starts with inclusive hiring practices. Great candidates can get skipped over during the application process if you are not acknowledging and protecting against biases at every stage. Fortunately there are a few easy ways to start bias-proofing your hiring process and get the best candidates in the door.Read More »5 Ways to Make Your Hiring Process More Inclusive Now

Careers in Cannabis: The Highs and The Lows

The cannabis industry is a hot topic in business right now. In Canada, nearly 700 job openings need to be filled in the cannabis sector alone. From agronomists to data collection to manufacturing, employers in the cannabis sector need to find talent for unprecedented positions in a candidate-driven market – and it won’t be easy. In order to be more effective in these hiring processes, it’s helpful to consider exactly what’s attracting people to careers in cannabis, and what’s scaring them away.

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Succession Planning for Small Businesses: Plan Ahead to Get Ahead

A shared concern in the back of the mind of many small to medium business owners is – Who is going to take over when I retire?

According to a 2013 Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses survey, 75% of Canadian business owners will exit their business by 2022. That’s only 3 more years. Let that sink in. For business owners who haven’t put much thought into succession planning, the continuity of their hard built business is at stake.

Read More »Succession Planning for Small Businesses: Plan Ahead to Get Ahead