Letter from Brianna Blaney: Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020!
Excerpts from a holiday letter to our team, from our Founder & Managing Partner Brianna Blaney:
Excerpts from a holiday letter to our team, from our Founder & Managing Partner Brianna Blaney:
It’s hard to believe that we are already mid-way through the first month of 2019! 2018 was a big year for our team – both personally and professionally. We celebrated graduations, engagements, new homes, big moves, birthdays, anniversaries, awards and more! 2018 was a year of immense growth.
We’re excited to share a small snapshot of our year with you!Read More »2018: Year in Review
According to a study by Harvard Business Review and The Energy Project, enabling employees to have fun at work makes them feel happier and healthier.
I don’t have a mentor.
For a long time, I thought this was a bad thing – that perhaps I was doing something wrong by not having a mentor.
My internship has flown by. Seriously, it’s been a wild ride. We often talk about how fast things move here at Envol but it’s hard to encapsulate that without living it. Starting my internship working at Envol was pedal to the metal, immediately. Within the first day, I was involved in an Envol workshop for recruiting and employer branding. Within my first week, I was actively working on talent acquisition. As you can imagine, after only three short months here at Envol, it’s a bittersweet goodbye. Picking my top 3 takeaways will be hard but as always, your girl is up for the challenge!
For as long as we can remember, designated groups have been disadvantaged economically by the wage gap. Women make on average 70 cents per dollar made by men – for the same work. The deficit only increases for women from different ethnic backgrounds.Read More »Have You Heard? Ontario Introduces Pay Transparency Act
In an interview, there are a few red flags that most employers look for. What most candidates don’t realize is that there is another small, but significant pivot point in an interview. When given the golden opportunity to flip the script and ask interviewers questions, many applicants politely decline. Why can such an innocent interaction cast a negative shadow on the interview? How do you impress your interviewer and engage them effectively?
Read More »Impress Your Interviewer: Top 5 Questions to Ask in an Interview
“What Does Belonging Mean to You?”
The simplest concepts are often the hardest to define. HR definitions can mean many different things to different people. Interpreting how to build a culture of belonging in the workplace is difficult. Where does this sense of ‘belonging’ begin in the employee experience, and where does it end? Is there a way to define belonging so that it’s inclusive to all employees, given that everyone has a different idea of what belonging means?
Read More »How to Foster a Culture of Belonging: Culture LabX 2018 Recap
Receiving hundreds of applications for your job doesn’t mean you will be successful in attracting top talent for your position. You know this. In fact, you’re probably living this.
How can you find the balance between the right quantity and the right quality of candidates? Hiring is time consuming and expensive – especially if you hire the wrong people. Especially in today’s market, with fierce competition for top talent. With Canada’s unemployment rate at 5.8%, it’s more difficult than ever for employers to attract and retain talent for their companies – much less top talent.
How are you positioning yourself as a competitor in the talent market?
Culture and diversity – what does that mean to your company? More importantly, what does that mean to your employees, both present and potential? Inclusion (and its implications on a business) is one of the hottest discussions in HR. Culture, and the never-ending search for the ‘be-all, end-all’ approach to it, is constantly shifting how we approach organizational strategies. These were the key themes for DisruptHR YVR on June 6, 2018.
Read More »DisruptHR 2018 Recap: An Evening of Fun with HR Superstars!