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Employee Onboarding: Setting New Employees Up for Success

Think back to your first day at your current job. There were a million thoughts running through your head. Maybe you had butterflies in your stomach, anxious to make a good first impression. Most likely, you felt excited and curious. And you were probably hoping you made the right decision and would finally feel like you found the company that you belong with. But at some point in time, that eagerness and enthusiasm turn to dread and apprehension. Why do most new employees, even the most ambitious ones, seem to quietly slip through the cracks of some organizations after only a few months? Because their employee onboarding experience lacked the necessary ingredients.
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Make Your Job Ad Human: 5 Easy Tips To Engage Job Seekers

What are you doing to stand out in a sea of black and white, Times New Roman job ads?

Ten days. On average, top candidates are only “on the market” for ten days. It’s more critical than ever to stand out and attract people early in their job search. Your job ad is your first chance to paint a clear picture about an opportunity with your organization. Make a great impression and engage job seekers by getting creative and telling a story.

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Working at Envol: Caitlin’s Top 3 Takeaways

My internship has flown by. Seriously, it’s been a wild ride. We often talk about how fast things move here at Envol but it’s hard to encapsulate that without living it. Starting my internship working at Envol was pedal to the metal, immediately. Within the first day, I was involved in an Envol workshop for recruiting and employer branding. Within my first week, I was actively working on talent acquisition. As you can imagine, after only three short months here at Envol, it’s a bittersweet goodbye. Picking my top 3 takeaways will be hard but as always, your girl is up for the challenge!

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Evolving From Company Values to Company Experience: Q&A with Eric Termuende of NoW Innovations

It seems these days that everyone is talking about employee engagement’s red-hot cousin – the company experience. Creating a compelling employee experience is quickly becoming one of the most vital aspects of a business. But what exactly is it?

We recently spoke with Eric Termuende about the need for effective interactions and touch points, and their direct implications on a company’s success. Eric Termuende is the co-founder of NoW Innovations, and his goal is to remove the negative connotation associated with work. Whether it’s consulting businesses on how to ‘rethink work’, writing, or public speaking, Eric is well-educated in the role HR and operational practices play in maintaining a successful company.
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5 Ways to Attract Top Talent for Your Position

Receiving hundreds of applications for your job doesn’t mean you will be successful in attracting top talent for your position. You know this. In fact, you’re probably living this.

How can you find the balance between the right quantity and the right quality of candidates? Hiring is time consuming and expensive – especially if you hire the wrong people. Especially in today’s market, with fierce competition for top talent. With Canada’s unemployment rate at 5.8%, it’s more difficult than ever for employers to attract and retain talent for their companies – much less top talent.

How are you positioning yourself as a competitor in the talent market?

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Developing a Total Rewards Program: Q&A with Alma Cajic of Delta-Q Technologies

Total Rewards programs are still a relatively new concept in the HR community. With the Canadian unemployment rate at its lowest in recent history, competition for top talent among businesses is increasing. Companies are looking for ways to attract the best candidates and keep them while fostering a strong organizational culture. Developing a Total Rewards program can help!

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5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Employer Brand

Your company has an employer brand, whether or not you choose to manage it. An authentic, engaging employer brand is critical to attracting and keeping the right staff for your organization. At the sweet spot where HR meets marketing, your employer brand represents the people who work for you and helps you attract top talent. This post will guide you through 5 easy ways to boost your employer brand to attract top talent, providing you with resources to get started today!

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How to Engage Stakeholders for Change Management: Q&A with Ashley Hoytema of AdvanTec Manufacturing Canada

Have you ever struggled to get stakeholders bought in to a new initiative? You’re not alone. Successful change management is hard! We are thrilled to kick off our Future Perfect Expert Series with Ashley Hoytema, HR Generalist at AdvanTec Manufacturing Canada and former panelist at our event, Future Perfect: Humanizing the Candidate Experience. 
Read More »How to Engage Stakeholders for Change Management: Q&A with Ashley Hoytema of AdvanTec Manufacturing Canada