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What Two More Months of CERB Means for the Job Market

Increasing unemployment, disincentivized job seekers, and another two months of CERB – what does this mean for the job market?

The Canadian government recently announced that the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) will be extended for another two months. Millions of Canadians will have maxed out their CERB allowance (a total of $8000) by July 4th. It remains unclear whether CERB will be amended or a different form of government support will be provided.

For those still eligible for CERB, they can continue to receive $2,000 per month while the Canadian government encourages recipients to take available work, however many are disincentivized to seek employment. Why?Read More »What Two More Months of CERB Means for the Job Market

COVID-19 Resources for Employers

These continue to be challenging and unprecedented times for everyone. In the past 3 years, we have supported our clients with growth and through challenging times. But it has been nothing like the past week. In the past week, we have supported both our clients and our community through many tough business decisions. Despite all of the chaos, one thing we know for certain: Envol is here for you.

Read More »COVID-19 Resources for Employers