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Support Local

Support Local Series: For Yourself

Welcome back to the third installment of our Support Local Series!

With an overwhelming year behind us, we can easily forget to take care of ourselves. Although self-care goes beyond just “treating ourselves”, sometimes it’s nice to do exactly that. Today, our team at Envol is feeling extra festive, and have curated a list of goods from our favourite local businesses in British Columbia that you can treat yourself to and support! So, keep reading to see our local picks!

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Support Local Series: For Your Family

With the holiday season upon us, we are thinking of our fellow local businesses and small ways we can support local this holiday season. 

If you are in the position to give gifts this year, consider shopping at a local small business. Local businesses enhance our community, connect and reinforce our social well-being, and boost wealth and employment in the local community. 

In this series, we are bringing you closer to some of the amazing local businesses in the Vancouver area. These creators and business owners put love and attention into everything they produce. We know you and your family will enjoy these unique gift options. We’ve curated a list of local businesses to consider when shopping for your family’s gifts this holiday season – you’re in for a treat! 

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Support Local Series: For Your Team

The holiday season is upon us! With corporate gift giving looking a little different this year, we are thinking about our fellow local businesses and how to support local.  

Vancouver is home to incredible local brands that are perfect for gift giving. Shopping local allows small businesses to stay afloat during a challenging time and gives back to the community.  

We have curated a list of goods sourced from local small businesses sure to put a smile on your employee’s faces (over Zoom, of course). 

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