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8 Ways Your Employer Brand Impacts Your Growth

Businesses previously measured success through production or output. Deliverables, impact, and clients used to attract the best talent. The days of recruiting candidates by offering one definition of success – climbing the corporate ladder with a singular focus – are gone. Today, your employer brand is your most effective recruitment and growth strategy yet.

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5 Ways to Make Your Hiring Process More Inclusive Now

Inclusion and diversity are highly systemic problems that plague organizations. These problems marginalize authentic talent, contribute to group think, and encourage hiring decisions that prefer a homogenous applicant pool.

Creating a diverse and unstoppable team starts with inclusive hiring practices. Great candidates can get skipped over during the application process if you are not acknowledging and protecting against biases at every stage. Fortunately there are a few easy ways to start bias-proofing your hiring process and get the best candidates in the door.Read More »5 Ways to Make Your Hiring Process More Inclusive Now