By now, you have probably seen the term “employer branding” pop up all over the place. Yep, another HR buzzword.
But what exactly is an employer brand?
Simply put, your employer brand is how your business “shows up” in the talent marketplace as an employer, to both current and prospective employees.
A strong employer brand helps you compete for the best talent. It’s more than pretty visuals, fancy videos, and hyperbolic language. Strong employer brands are built on the raw, real, and authentic personality of your business.
An effective employer brand is more than just an external recruitment tool. We are seeing an increased focus on leveraging your employer brand as a powerful engagement and retention tool.
Employer branding is a growing priority not only for progressive HR teams but, more and more, for marketing departments and executive leadership. With positive returns for your organization’s culture and your bottom line, an investment in your employer brand is a smart one.
What your Employer Brand is NOT
An employer brand is more than “putting lipstick on a pig”.
In a world of hyper-transparency powered by companies like Glassdoor and Indeed, your employer brand must be an accurate representation of the soul of your business.
Building your employer brand starts by understanding and codifying the DNA of your business – the individuals, history, and soul that drive your work and culture. It should connect with your company’s values, and cultivate conversations through compelling storytelling.
How to Begin Defining your Employer Brand
Consider what factors most appeal to your people. Why did they initially choose to work with you over other organizations, and what compels them to stay? Start by really listening to your people, and asking them to share their why.
Based on this insight and your organizational goals, work to define your key Employee Value Propositions (EVPs). Yes, plural! In most organizations, you’ll have key players with differing personalities and strengths. Your management team may have different motivators and goals than your sales team. Defining what matters to your people will help will help to establish your organization’s employer branding platform.
A strong platform enables you to bring your employer brand to life through well-aligned visuals, storytelling, content, and branded touch points. Interested in learning more about how your employer brand shows up online?
Get a handle on your Employer Brand today by downloading our FREE Employer Brand Audit Tool!
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