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Facilitating Workplace Boundaries

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s become more difficult to set boundaries at work. What used to be a clear line between work and personal life has now been blurred by the work-from-home environment that many people find themselves in. Now, as remote workers, the morning commute to the office becomes a shuffle to your desk in the next room, and one more email at the end of the day ends up delaying dinner time.  

Though remote work allows for greater flexibility in your schedule, and saves you commuting time, many workers struggle to disconnect after work hours.  

In this post, we’ll discuss some ways to help create clear boundaries for work versus home life and provide several tips to stay productive and navigate your workplace… minus the burn-out! 

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Mental Health & Wellness: Initiatives Employers Can Implement

Awareness of mental health & wellness in the workforce has increased greatly in recent years. 
A recent study done by the Boston University School of Medicine revealed that “27.8% of U.S. adults had depression symptoms as of mid-April 2020, compared to 8.5% before the COVID-19 pandemic”. These numbers are alarming, and the effects of this have certainly trickled their way into the workforce, affecting workplace performance for organizations. 

More than ever, employers are recognizing the importance of keeping employees happy and healthy, and acknowledging how much of a role it plays in employee performance. Employers are also recognizing that Mental Health & Wellness goes beyond just talking about it. If you’re unsure of how you can support your employees, here are a few tangible initiatives you can take – keep reading! 

Read More »Mental Health & Wellness: Initiatives Employers Can Implement