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5 Ways to Make Your Hiring Process More Inclusive Now

Inclusion and diversity are highly systemic problems that plague organizations. These problems marginalize authentic talent, contribute to group think, and encourage hiring decisions that prefer a homogenous applicant pool.

Creating a diverse and unstoppable team starts with inclusive hiring practices. Great candidates can get skipped over during the application process if you are not acknowledging and protecting against biases at every stage. Fortunately there are a few easy ways to start bias-proofing your hiring process and get the best candidates in the door.Read More »5 Ways to Make Your Hiring Process More Inclusive Now

DisruptHR 2018 Recap: An Evening of Fun with HR Superstars!

Culture and diversity – what does that mean to your company? More importantly, what does that mean to your employees, both present and potential? Inclusion (and its implications on a business) is one of the hottest discussions in HR. Culture, and the never-ending search for the ‘be-all, end-all’ approach to it, is constantly shifting how we approach organizational strategies. These were the key themes for DisruptHR YVR on June 6, 2018.

Read More »DisruptHR 2018 Recap: An Evening of Fun with HR Superstars!