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Employer Branding

You’re in the right place.

Together, we’ll uncover the qualities that make your organization a place people want to work.

We’ll identify where your organization is going and connect the dots to bring your employer brand story to life.

It’s About Your Story

Your employer brand story already exists within your cultural DNA. It’s our job to be your metaphorical loudspeaker.

Employer branding is all about you. By getting to the heart of who you are, we amplify your story by helping you develop your reputation to attract and keep the right people for your business.

It’s about being your best self, and then telling the right people who you are. But that’s just the beginning.

Are you ready?

Our Services

Employer Brand Audit

Through conversations, surveys, and focus groups, we’ll conduct a complete audit of your workplace culture and your competitors.

After getting a complete picture of where you sit within your industry, we’ll create a clear path to understand where you need to go.

Brand Story & Visual Identity

After a thorough brand audit, we’ll engage our creative team to bring your story to life.

Your brand’s voice will emerge through creative copy, and your visual identity will take form. Then, we’ll take your story and share it with the world.

Employer Brand Toolkit

Your brand toolkit is your internal story guide.

Using branded touchpoints, marketing materials, stationery, communication templates and exciting content, we’ll make sure you’re equipped with the tools required for success.

Career Site

What story does your careers site tell? Together, we will develop full engagement strategies using video, interactive job ads, and copy that inspires.

Of course, we’ll integrate with your applicant tracking system for an optimized candidate experience.

Content Strategy

What good is a story without an audience to share it with?

We will create a multi-channel strategy with internal communications, social media, intranet and video, to build awareness about you as an employer, from your brand story launch to infinity and beyond.

Employer Brand Advocate Activation

Your best brand advocates already exist – they’re your current employees.

Engaging them within your story will not only source authentic voices but help to spread your message to their networks. Let’s make your employees your cheerleaders!

Employer Branding Resources

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