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BC’s Current COVID Regulations: What You Need to Know

We are all slowly but surely adapting to a “new normal” and learning to coexist with COVID-19; however, this is your friendly reminder that it isn’t gone just yet. COVID is still actively circulating around the world, and it will likely be around for a while. 

As employers and employees, we have a responsibility to keep others in our workplace safe. When an employee has a confirmed case of COVID-19, there are workplace regulations in place to mitigate the chances of the virus being passed on to a colleague. 

As per Service BC’s COVID Vaccination hotline: 

Vaccinated people: 

  • Must complete 5 days of isolation after a confirmed positive test, 
  • Can return to work after those 5 days (only once their fever is gone), 
  • Do not need to re-test before re-entering the workplace because they may get a false positive test for up to 3 months, 
  • And must wear a mask indoors for 2 weeks upon returning to the workplace. 

Unvaccinated people: 

  • Must complete 10 days of isolation is required after a confirmed positive test, 
  • Can return to work after those 10 days (only once their fever is gone and without the need to re-test), 
  • And must wear a mask indoors for 2 weeks upon returning to the workplace. 

We encourage you to keep those around you in mind if you test positive for COVID-19. Please follow these current workplace regulations to keep everyone safe and reduce the chances of spreading the virus. 


Other useful resources: 

Unsure about what this means for your workplace? We’re here to help. Book some time with us and we’ll help answer any questions you might have.