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BC Pay Transparency Act

Pay Transparency Act Compliance for BC Employers

The BC Pay Transparency Act is a new legislation aimed at dismantling systemic discrimination within the workplace by reducing the gender pay gap and bringing hidden inequities to light.

As a result, new obligations for BC employers have been introduced to proactively address pay disparities and take actionable measures to foster workplaces embedded with equity.

Unsure about your obligations as a BC employer? You’re in the right place!

BC Pay Transparency Act: image of three people around a laptop in conversation

Who is impacted by the BC Pay Transparency Act?

All BC employers are impacted by the Act; however, annual reporting deadlines vary based on the size of your organization.

All employers with 1,000+ employees must publish their first annual pay transparency report by November 1, 2024.

For employers with 300+ employees, the deadline to publish their first annual pay transparency report is November 1, 2025.

Smaller businesses with 50+ employees have until November 1, 2026 to publish their first annual pay transparency report.

Your obligations as a BC employer

BC employers cannot discipline employees as it relates to pay transparency.

The Act outlines protections in place for employees in terms of asking about their pay, sharing their pay to another employee or job applicants, and asking their employer about its pay transparency report.

BC employers must include expected pay in job postings.

Beginning November 1, 2023, all BC employers must include the expected pay / expected pay range for any publicly advertised job opportunities.

BC employers must publish an annual pay transparency report.

In accordance with their respective deadlines, employers must submit an annual pay transparency report. The report must break down pay for employees based on gender.

We can help you develop a compliant report, on time.

Wondering how the heck you’re going to get this done in time? Envol has developed a pragmatic approach that will help you comply and set you up for success long-term.


We provide support, consultation, resources, and lead execution.


We provide support, consultation, and resources as needed. You execute.

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BC Pay Transparency Act Summary

Blog post

BC Pay Transparency Act: What it Means for BC Employers


BC Pay Transparency Act: Do’s and Don’ts for BC Employers

Blog post

BC Pay Transparency Act: Framework for Leading Compensation Conversations

Looking for pay transparency support? Get in touch!
