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  • Engage Your Remote Workforce: Q&A with Kasey Bayne of Olark Live Chat

    Engage Your Remote Workforce: Q&A with Kasey Bayne of Olark Live Chat

    A growing trend among businesses is the integration of a remote workforce into their organizational structure. With real estate at a premium and top talent hard to find, the perks of a remote workforce are exponential. We had the opportunity to speak with Kasey Bayne, Marketing Manager for Olark Live Chat, about how to engage…

  • DisruptHR 2018 Recap: An Evening of Fun with HR Superstars!

    DisruptHR 2018 Recap: An Evening of Fun with HR Superstars!

    Culture and diversity – what does that mean to your company? More importantly, what does that mean to your employees, both present and potential? Inclusion (and its implications on a business) is one of the hottest discussions in HR. Culture, and the never-ending search for the ‘be-all, end-all’ approach to it, is constantly shifting how…

  • Developing an Interview Process to Identify Top Talent: Q&A with Jessica Dolkhanian from Urban Barn

    Developing an Interview Process to Identify Top Talent: Q&A with Jessica Dolkhanian from Urban Barn

    With British Columbia’s unemployment rate currently at the lowest in recent history, finding top talent has become increasingly challenging. During hiring, the interview process can be a daunting task – especially with talent at a premium. How long is too long? How many stages are really necessary?  

  • Developing a Total Rewards Program: Q&A with Alma Cajic of Delta-Q Technologies

    Developing a Total Rewards Program: Q&A with Alma Cajic of Delta-Q Technologies

    Total Rewards programs are still a relatively new concept in the HR community. With the Canadian unemployment rate at its lowest in recent history, competition for top talent among businesses is increasing. Companies are looking for ways to attract the best candidates and keep them while fostering a strong organizational culture. Developing a Total Rewards…

  • 5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Employer Brand

    5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Employer Brand

    Your company has an employer brand, whether or not you choose to manage it. An authentic, engaging employer brand is critical to attracting and keeping the right staff for your organization. At the sweet spot where HR meets marketing, your employer brand represents the people who work for you and helps you attract top talent. This…

  • Managing Culture after a Rebrand: Q&A with Pamela Trinh of MLA Canada

    Managing Culture after a Rebrand: Q&A with Pamela Trinh of MLA Canada

    Mergers and acquisitions have a bad reputation when it comes to culture and talent management. Pamela Trinh, HR Manager at MLA Canada, shares her experience managing culture after a rebrand following the merger of two real estate powerhouses: MAC Marketing Solutions and BLVD Marketing Group.